What a day!!
Well i think i have finally got all my xmas shopping done!! YAY!! Now just to find one thing for the father in law and i am totally done - Guess what me and jono are getting - either a 130cm or 117cm rear projection tv!!! YAY!! It is SO KOOL!!! And we get a free dvd player with it and also a free gift but we dont know what that is yet! As i am already a customer of radio rentals they sent me a good offer - 2 months rent free - Why not!! We couldnt really afford to go buy one outright so this way we are just paying it off and i have worked it all out - We dont pay tooo much extra - It is worth it to do it that way for us and after the 36 months we get to buy it for $1!!! Just like our dryer and washing machine! It is SO kool but!! We are really excited about it! We are hoping for the 130cm as then we can get it on friday otherwise we will have to wait till next week - The lady was unsure of the price and is getting back to me in the morning so i will know then!
Can you believe i have been in bed but just could not sleep so got up again!! I am a fruit loop!! Why can i not sleep at this time of night? It is just not normal!
OMG! I hate christmas shopping this time of year - People are NUTS!! So pushy and darn rude!! It is supposed to be a happy time of year but it really is stressful isnt it!
My kids are getting so spoilt!! I said i wouldnt do it again but i have! The boys are both getting a star wars bike and a plug in tv game - Matt is getting star wars and mitch is getting buzz lightyear - The star wars one is so kool - comes with a light sabre and you watch the tv while waving it around to play it - He is SO gonna love it! He is obsessed with stat wars - He loves it - I remember after the first time he watched the last one that came out he had to come and say "mummy it was so kool - annakin turned into Darth Vader and it was just so kool!!" PMSL!! What a cutie!!
Anyway - I guess i should TRY and sleep again - At least there will be something on telly to watch in about 10 mins for me! Roswell - I have seen them all ages ago but i did like watching it and it is pretty good compared to some of the other CRAP they put on late at night!
Oh and we lost our volleyball grandfinal today - by 4 points - We were down by heaps though and came back - We just werent in to it today!! We did get some white singlet tops though and i wore mine this arvo when i went shopping and it was really comfy!!
Anyway - Will leave you with my latest LO - I love these papers i found - K&Co - And i love this pic of Alicia - She was laughing! I have written on a tag book thing in the pocket that tells her my wishes and hopes for her - To live a long healthy happy life, to always smile and laugh and i hope i get to see it all!! etc (Thats just the short version!)
Well i have rabbitted on enough for nearly 2am!! LOL!!
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