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Monday, December 05, 2005

Another week gone!!

Gee this year has gone so super fast - My daughter will be 9 months old soon - Where did that 9 months go?? She is growing up so much! And my Matt starts school next year - OMG!! My eldest child will be going to school - SCARY!!! Makes me glad i scrapbook so i will be able to remember everything when i am old and senile! Scary things kids are!!
Well i have been scrapping up a storm this week!! Completed 5 LOs and done nearly all the circle journal stuff i had to! YAY for me! I went up to my friend Kells last night and scrapped with her - Nearly did a whole page!! And my sweet friend Kell gave me the most sweetest present! She gave me this kool big toolbox on wheels that i have wanted for AGES - that now houses most of my scrapping stuff!! I LOVE it!!!!!
I cant wait till next sunday - It is the monthly scrap needs crop day at Newcastle!! So kool!! I have had so much fun at the past ones i have been to!! And the lunch was pretty good too!! I LOVE good food!
Anyway - I really havent done anything that exciting over the weekend!! I might go pick the next photo to scrap!! Will leave you with a LO of my Mitchy - He gave me the most beautiful cuddles and kisses at bedtime tonight!! SO darn cute!!


At 8:55 PM, Blogger Lali said...

WOW 5 LOs Kelley you are on a roll I've got this canvas sitting on my table calling me wanna get it finished tonight it is for either my Mum or MIl for christmas.

Yes it is scary how time is going so fast I still remember taking Stella to Kindy orientation last year and now she can read a book to me. But as you said we have all these memories recorded for our reference when we are old LOL.

So are you all ready for Christmas yet. I'm not gonna take out the rest of the laybys next week, finish my 2 canvases a mint tin I want to do a paint tin for reindeer treats you will see when I get it done, then the worse part of christmas the food and grog shopping (not that I can drink any) might just get some of that pretent wine basically grape fizzy drink LOL.

Keep scrappin girl especially if you have got your mojo


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