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Thursday, October 27, 2005

I have been so slack!!

This week with blogging!! My head is everywhere this week! Too much going on!! I was even having trouble scrapping till last night - I got in my zone last night!!! And scrapped this one of Alicia!! I love it too - I am really happy with how it turned out!!
Well busy week - Have had Matts speech therapy - he was a bit of a bugger though - he was fidgeting and not concentrating - driving me nuts! Had volleyball yesterday and it was so yukky and hot!! We did win though! And Matt had another school orientation - 2 down 2 to go!! Cant wait till that is over!
Jono got a new job - He starts on tuesday so that is pretty exciting - a bit extra money each week! Definately will love that!!!
I have been chatting to my sister Kristy and my cousin Nicky nearly every day since i have been back from my sisters wedding! I am loving chatting to them again! Will have to try not to get out of touch this time!! LOL!
Well this arvo - busy again - Have to pay the rent, go to the doctors, and then have volleyball plus i need to go get formula and nappies etc etc!! And Food!! I seriously need some food in this house!! The fridge is so bare!! I really should be cleaning as my mum is coming tomorrow but i am in one of my blurgh moods and i cant be motivated to do anything!!
Mitch has been a real turd today too - really testing my patience - He threw a matchbox car at me to wake me up - At 7am!! I was so not impressed - It hit me right in the eye too! GRRR!! KIDS!! Alicia has been bit of a cranky bum too - She is getting her two bottom teeth! So between my blurgh mood, Mitch being a turd, Alicia cranky and Matt just constantly nagging and never shutting up - It really is one of THOSE days!! LOL!! Well hopefully tomorrow is better!!


At 4:03 PM, Blogger Lali said...

Hope your day improved Kelley, I think it must be the weather cause Casey is being a bugger to and as for Stella AARRGGH.

I have been busy getting a few things out of the way did the CJ and now working on my 4 x 4 album just 4 more mini LOs to do they don't take much time but as I don't want to use my scrap stash it is hard finding the right amount of paper and bazzill etc.

Have you started on the new CJ got my stuff gonna get it out next week can't wait to get that one under way.

Great new about being in contact with your sister.

Anyway gotta go girls screaming in the background



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