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Friday, April 07, 2006

Busy Busy!!!

Well i am glad i had nothing to do today cause i am buggered just from yesterday!! I was out all day - I took Alicia to the beach for the very first time - and she loved it too - She was such a sweetie on the way back up to the car she was cuddling me and kissing me - I think it was her way of saying thanks mum! She was so fascinated by the sand - why was it sticking to her feet?? LOL!! It was beautiful! And so relaxing and i am so glad i took her! Yes i know - I am slack - I live so close to the beach and this is the first time i take her! I'm more of a pool girl - which is odd cause i grew up going to the beach with my mum - loved it!! I still love it - Just not a fan of going often! i think its the sand and the seaweed! If there is a lot of seaweed - I wont go near it! And i hate the feeling of all the sand stuck to you!! But i am getting better with that!
So then we went to Saras and was talking to her for AGES!!! Geez considering we see each other all the time - I wonder how we keep thinking up things to talk about!! LOL!! Yet we still sit there and talk for hours on end!! Gotta love that!

Then it was off to the shops to get some photos printed of Alicia at the beach! Then pay the rent - Race off to get Matt then we went back to the shops cause i was starving and just wanted some lunch!!! Then home - Then off to the shops again as i had to get craft stuff for Matt for school for there easter hats, then get Mitchy, off to the shops again to get some groceries and pick up my photos (Which are amazing!!) then volleyball and then back to the shops again to get a few more groceries i forgot to get before (Well ok i had a craving for some pods and wanted them!!!) Then home to watch Lost and fall into bed totally exhausted!!! See - Very busy!!! And i managed to check out a scrap shop too - They are looking for a new teacher too - I am still not sure if i want to apply yet - I have till the end of April to think about it!! It is a really good shop though - They got tons of stuff in!!! And good prices too!
I got a great bargain too - I got a new cordless phone for $20!!! So stoked as Jono broke mine last year and having to use the old crappy phone again was annoying!! But now i can walk around and talk again!!! Not that i have many people i talk to on the phone - Most of my friends are over the net!! LOL!!! Great Bargain but!!!! Well i cant think anymore!! I will show off some pics of our beach excursion!!! I have no idea how i got that weird pink one!!! I do love how it came out though!! Different!!! HAHA - Do you like the wetbum one??? She didnt like it when we went to the waters edge and a little tiny wave got her feet so she plonked herself down in the water!! LOL!!! Mean mummy just laughed!!! It was classic!!


At 10:16 PM, Blogger Mrs Positive said...

Firstly I wanted to say the LO of Matt is stunning... love it

and what a great (but busy) day you had crikey, easter hats! as if there's 48 hours in every day

Apply for the teacher job... you'll love it and get freebies! DO it Do it DO it now! Or I will smack your bum!

Gorgeous beach shots but seriously does Alicia ever take a bad pic? really? she's adorable, wet bum and all!

At 1:25 AM, Blogger Kirst said...

What a busy day! I don't know how you fit it all in.

Photos of Miss A are gorgeous, and I did notive the wet bum one before you mentioned it! Ha!

Iagree with Pink, apply for the job. You'll kick yourself if you don't.

At 8:46 AM, Blogger Rebecca Maree Photography : Newcastle maternity, newborn, family and wedding photographer said...

awww what gorgeous pics! she is so perfect :o)

At 4:53 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Oh those pics are gorgeous!! You have been scrapping up a storm Kelley!! Good for you! Congrats on the DT spot too....I will be sure to check out their site.
Definately go for the teaching would be fantastic and soooo much fun!

At 11:46 PM, Blogger Anthea said...

just love those photos!! what a cutie!

At 11:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the photos Kelley, one gorgeous girl there.

And apply for the job - you'll always wonder what could have been if you don't give it a go.



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