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Music Video Codes - MySpace Codes - Funny Videos

Friday, April 28, 2006


Thanks to Lib for tagging me!!! I will catch up a bit first then do the tag! Well wednesday - Volleyball!! We won! Then we came home and i did the last few details on my A-Z like filling out the form etc etc - then i posted it!!! How good does it feel to have it all done!!
So yesterday - I meet up with Jen and Lib out at the Erina shop - Should have seen us with our tribe of kids!! LOL!! So i got some new yummy papers!!! MMMMM I Love papers!!! Anyway - Then we set off for Chipmunks - OMG - School holidays is hell!! Never going there again in school hols!! Lib ended up going shopping and never made it to chipmunks!! LOL!! (Hope you got some good bargains Lib!) I think me and Jen lasted about 2 hours then both went home a bit stressed and just desperately wanting peace and quiet!! Hope you got some Jen!!! So then had to play volleyball last night - at 9pm - against a div 2 team - we are div 1 - So we absolutely slaughtered them and i hardly moved!! I was freezing when we finished!! LOL!! Usually i am so hot and sweaty and yuk but seriously - thats how much better div 1 is!! So we walk over to the counter and one of the girls from the other team is abusing one of the girls that works there because they had to play us - It was cause we both had byes so we played against each other instead - I get it - I accept it - Who cares!! But there is no reason to go off!! Geez - I felt like telling her to get a life!! Who cares!!! Least we beat them though - I would have felt real bad if we lost to them!!! HAHAHAHA!!!
So i havent quite scrapped as much this week - I dont have any deadlines so im not doing anything!!! I am working on a little mini album of Alicia - At the beach!! I did do a few LOs at the start of the week though!! How weird am i - Havent scrapped for like 2/3 days and it feels like forever!! LOL!!
So i will share with you the cover of my mini album - Was gonna share some LOs too but it wont let me - Stupid thing - I just uploaded a new version of internet explorer and bloody hell - It is totally different!! Why cant they just leave things the way they are!! GRRRRR!! Stupid windows updater thingy!!!

And now - The long awaited for TAG:

Born: 14th September 1981

First Job: Kmart Checkout Chick!!!

Fondest Memory: Well i will have to say the birth of my daughter - Now not saying i love her more than the others BUT i was in so much control over her birth and i did it how i wanted to - It was quick and well i have to say easy - The boys births were scary as i was sick with Matt and Mitch had the cord around his neck!

Last thing purchased: Ummm - I went to coles last night and got some coke, nappies, juice and some yummy mars pods (seriously addictive - if you have not tried these you are missing out!!)

Fish, Chicken or Beef: CHICKEN CHICKEN CHICKEN - My fave meal!!! Anything chicken!!! (Leaves me a goner if the bird flu comes here huh!!!)

Movie: Ummm - I cant remember!! Oh a few weeks ago i watched Goldeneye on foxtel - me and Jono used to love playing that game on Nintendo 64!! Brought back memories - Oh and i watched Gladiator while i was scrapping last sunday night!!

Retreat: Last retreat i went to (And the only!) Was the scrap needs retreat in March!!! SOO much fun!

Flower: Daffodils and Singapore Lillies

Day of the week: Probably wednesday - pay day and volleyball day - gets me out of the house!

Indulgence: Scrapbook stuff and Pods!!!

What scrapbook lines/products, etc. do you dislike? Ummm - Not much really!! LOL!! Some of the older stuff!

What technique do you use more than anything else? Tearing - I LOVE it!!!

Who or What are your biggest influences on your style? I would have to say Jen - I love her stuff and i want mine to look that good!!

Have you ever had any scrapbook related tiffs with your Husband? Not really - Not unless i am on the puter at the same time as scrapping and he wants the puter!! HAHA!!

Finish this sentence, "If I wasn't a scrapbooker/stamper, I would spend my money on..." Clothes probably - I know i need new ones!! HAHA!!

If there is one person you have met through blogging that you know will be a life time friend who would it be?: I dont know - I have made a few friends through scrapping (not blogging cause i started blogging through scrapping!) that i reckon i will stay friends with!! I dont want to say names incase i forget people!!

What music do you listen to while you scrap? Ummm - Usually the music on my puter which varies - Newer stuff - Older stuff -I do love to listen to Pete Murray though - He is a fave!! I would be happy to just have the radio or Channel V on!!

Obsessions?: Scrapbook shopping, Scrapbook internet surfing (Forums, galleries - I am addicted!!) Oh yeah and the actual scrapbooking too i guess!!

Do you have an addiction?? Umm yeah - Obviously scrapbooking!!

Out of the box, (well on it ) who do you lust after on TV?. Wentworth Millar from Prison break!!

You just won a week long scrapbooking cruise for 5. Who is going with you? Geez 5 is hard to pick!! I dont wanna pick!!!

When you received your first publication notification, who did you tell? Jono, my mum - then announced it on the forums!! LOL!! Everyone that would listen!!!

One quote that defines you: "You have got to stand a little rain if you will ever see a rainbow!"

After answering the questions, tag four of your buddies I tag : Jen, Kel, Sal & Beck (And anyone else who wants it!!! LOL!!)


At 7:50 PM, Blogger Angelrat said...

Oh oh, I am dead in the water... there's a FORM to fill in for the A-Z album comp??? poo poo poo.

Congratulations on your volleyball win, if that girl from the other team was so upset about playing a Div 1 team maybe she should have just stayed home!

Love that tag with Alicia on, she's just so cute!


At 11:38 PM, Blogger Anthea said...

well atleast you won!!!

beautiful photo of Alicia! love all of those beach pics!

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Mrs Positive said...

Great answers Kell!

So proud of you for getting the A-Z done... Now for the next goal (wink)

Have a great weekend, I cant make it to the crop tomorrow, bugger! I need to go look at the new house... fingers crossed!


At 3:48 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Wow you did awesome getting that a-z album done!! Congrats ont he volleyball win too.
Love the mini album cover....great tag answers too!


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