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Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Busy Busy Busy and YAY!!!

Well we will start with YAY!!! I got the newest issue if For Keeps yesterday - And I am in it!! I love it - This is why i wanted it so badly - Cause damn it feels good to see MY LO with MY name under it - And i got a full page too!!! Bloody awesome!!!
Well my poor baby girl had to get needles yesterday - They are actually her 6 months one but we were late with them so had to wait a bit and also she kept getting the flu every time i had an appointment - then xmas etc - I totally forgot about it (Bad mummy!) Anyway - While we were there our doctor heard a heart murmur in Alicia and has given me a referal for a paedatrician (Bad spelling i know but why do they have to make them words so bloody difficult!) So i will have to get an apoointment and get her checked out - She told me it wasnt urgent and lots of people get them and they go away by themselves - I have also had some fantastic friends tell me about theirs or their kids heart murmurs being pretty much which helped a lot!! It is still scary though - Something could be wrong with my precious little baby girl - Scares the shit out of me! I am so lucky to have her anyway - She was completely unplanned and was a bit of a shock but i wouldnt have it any other way and i am totally and utterly in love with my gal!!! She is my world!! My boys are too - Dont get me wrong - But i have always wanted a little girl and i am so grateful and happy to have her!! All my kids are my life - I live for my kids!! They are the reason i am here!! I know that!!! Anyway - Off the track a bit!! LOL!!
So today we had volleyball and me and Sara won!! YAYAYA!!! And i got to see my good friend Kell whose birthday it was today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELL!!!! Glad you liked your card!!!! Also went shopping today - OMG - I bought a skirt!! PMSL!!! Anyone who knows me - Knows i am a tracky daks kinda gal!!! I love to wear comfy clothes and couldnt give a toss what i look like! Well i got a skirt!! It is sooo comfy too - I wore it this arvo and i love it!!! I need some new tops to go with them now!! AND - Guess what!!! I fit into a size 14 - I so love this whole losing weight thing!! LOL!! It was always so depressing to have to get the biggest size there but i tried on the 14 and 16 and the 16 was too loose - I always buy clothes a bit loose anyway as i hate tight clothes but this is just a prefect fit - And it was so cheap too - Millars fashion club - $13.95 - Gorgeous Gorgeous skirts they have!!!! So i will have to buy a top and get a pic of me in my new outfit!! LOL!!
Ummmmmm cant think of anything else!! LOL!! Will leave you with my LO that is in For Keeps this month!!! (Can anyone guess i am bit of a showoff???!!!!!)


At 1:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't got the new FK yet, but I can't wait to see your work in print! It is your a gorgeous LO.

Çallum had his 12month immunisations today - a month late, lol.

I have my fingers crossed for you that there is nothing too serious with Alicia.

And YAY on the skirt! Doesn't it feel good to get new clothes?! Even more so whe you go down a size?! Well done Booger!

At 2:49 PM, Blogger Anthea said...

wow, congrats on the weight loss, that is fantastic!!!
Try not to worry about the appointment now, the doctors just want to be cautious, so it might be nothing, just try not to worry about it untill you see the doctor.

At 3:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You in a skirt, now thats a laugh!!!!!!!!! The layout looks great in the mag.

At 4:02 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Your page int he mag looks absolutely fabulous girl!! Congrats to you!

Im sure everything will go fine at the doctors...I will be thinking of you and Alicia.

Im definately not a skirt girl either....cant wait to see your pic tho :)


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